Which is the Best Way to Learn Blockchain development in 2023!!
Want to learn blockchain development but don't know where to start don't worry, I will talk about ways to learn Blockchain development.
Let's learn the best way to dive deep into Blockchain development.
first, we need to glance at the index, it gives us a way to learn and understand the Roadmap of this Blog.
You can learn from the individual section if you already know other sections
Method 1
Method 2
( Method-1 )
Programming Language
Remix IDE
#before Starting
I recommend you watch this video so you can have an idea about Blockchain development and how this works.
#Programming Language
Now a day Ethereum SDK and other blockchain modules are compatible with any programming languages and are quite good at their given task.
To make development easier I would recommend Js ( Javascript ) why?
Noiceee question man. so we know js is one of the popular Programming languages and above all popularity, it can be used in the development of Back-end ( Node.js ) or Front-end (React.js or Next.js )
so development made is easier with Javascript
Resource ( FREE Alchemy University ): https://university.alchemy.com/overview/js
Client-side is very essential in building Dapp. It can be built using any technology from React, Vue, or Angular, or it can be simple HTML and JavaScript.
My thought is that you should start with React because a Basic react will do to build any Dapp. and above all if you know javascript you would be able to know the fundamentals in a week or two.
and you give got grips on react then you can shift to Next.js anytime.
Resource ( Udemy ): https://www.udemy.com/course/react-the-complete-guide-incl-redux/ ( one of the best courses out there)
Resouce ( Youtube ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMknfKXIFA8&pp=ygUFcmVhY3Q%3D
try to learn a few concepts ( Like functions, Class, variables etc. ) of Solidity so you can interact with smart-contract easily using ethers.js
Ether.js is a module that helps a developer to interact with smart-contract from Front-end. and try to go through and understand some concepts of smart-contract which will help you to understand Development concepts on a deeper level
Link ( Documentation ): Ether.js
Solidity is also a programming language that is used to develop SmarContract on Ethereum.
Resource ( Documentation ): https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.20/
Resource ( Tutorialspoint ): https://www.tutorialspoint.com/solidity/index.htm
Resource ( Solidity example ): https://solidity-by-example.org/
Resource ( Youtube )
Remix IDE
Remix is a web-integrated platform to develop and test smart-contract.
Hardhat is a tool that is used by many developers to test and develop smartContract and is flexible with testing methods developed by the tester and developers.
Link ( Hardhat Documentation ): https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/docs/getting-started
Resource ( Youtube Playlist )
Resource ( Youtube CrashCourse )
Ganache helps you to create a local blockchain for testing purposes. however, hardhat already has its local blockchain.
Link ( Documentation ): https://trufflesuite.com/docs/ganache/
OpenZeppelin aka OZ is a platform that helps you to create smartContract using standard security methods and makes it secure from exploits.
It has already documentation about smart-contract like ERC-1155, ERC-721, and ERC-20.
Link: https://www.openzeppelin.com/
✅ MUST MUST MUST Check-it-out OpenZeppelin contract-Wizard: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/wizard
( Method - 2 )
#Another way For an Absolute Beginners
if you don't want to mess around with surfing sites and documentation.
just Follow Patrick Collins Youtube way.
#Additional Resources
I have gathered blogs, documentation and articles to learn about Blockchain development in Notion templates go Check it out
Notion Link: https://www.notion.so/478e840658234515bb7f19bda94eca00?v=7783158132a2492daa70deeb9d722510&pvs=4
Thank you guys for bearing me until now, I hope this blog helps you a lot
Keep Learning Keep Building...